
    Privacy is a fundamental human right. At Tuparev Technologies, it’s also one of our core values.

    The nature of some of our products and services which we provide to third parties require device and / or customer identification. In the development of these services we try to abstain from this nature of information identification to an absolute minimum, and anonymise if possible.

    Our customers will find full privacy disclosures attached to each of our products, accompanied with explanations as to why we need this information and how we use it. If the privacy statement of a product has changed, our customers will always be notified. Furthermore we declare that we will never share this information with third parties and will delete this information if the product reaches end-of-life status or we decide to transfer the product to a third party.

    Our customers have the right to ask for all data related to them (if any) and request the deletion of the data after termination of use of the product at any time.

    In some cases we are obliged by European law to keep financial data for an extended period. In most cases personal data will be removed automatically after 24 months of inactivity.

    If you have specific questions regarding our privacy policy or the privacy status of one of our products, please send an email to privacy@tuparev.com

    Last update: 14 February, 2021